I’m Tine Nyland

So happy you are here!

“I want to help people achieve peace of mind, and feel more in control”

Nutritionist enjoying healthy drink

“I think we need to change focus from calories to simply enjoying good food!”

— Tine (from her student blog in 2012)

A Long Story Short…

From writing an enthusiastic blog during my bachelor's degree in nutrition, to starting a student business (helping people make healthier food choices in their everyday lives), to later on starting my first business, to suddenly adjusting to a life with a narcolepsy diagnosis while supplying my bachelor with one year of “Basic Medicine” and “Food As Medicine”-course from Monash University (just for fun!), to finally starting Calluna Nutrition.

All this while raising three boys, one German Shepherd (giving her away still brings tears to my eyes), and moving five times within four different countries.

Let’s just say that my life is never boring, and through all this time, I’ve been so lucky being able to delve into the world of nutrition and public health in one way or the other.

The last decades have shown us that counting and cutting calories while increasing the amount of exercise is not helping us achieve long-lasting results

There must be another way!

The truth is..

After my bachelor's, I realised something was wrong with how we try to make people healthier.

I kept wondering why so many people were gaining weight and experiencing more mental illnesses and increased stress despite trying all these different diets and programs. Even the food industry and grocery stores offered food that conformed to national, professional guidelines.

At the same time, something else caught my attention. The Retailers.

grocery shopping. creating healthier eating habits. holistic nutrition.

I was fed up witnessing how the retailers and food companies manipulated us into buying food we didn’t really want or need, and was also making us sick!

You deserve better!

I made it my mission to help people navigate the complex world of food and live a healthy life.

The truth is that it doesn’t have to be that difficult as long as you do it according to your starting point and needs, focusing on progress over perfection.

Read more about how it is working with a nutritionist and what’s my superpower!

Fun Facts!

๏ I’m learning to play the piano. 

๏ I was a ballerina for 15 years, alongside playing football – a perfect combination! 

๏ Love gardening, but have no clue on what I’m doing, but love the small, beautiful details. 

๏ I have a crush on Indian food. 

๏ I’ve always enjoyed my own company. 

๏ My favourite day is Sunday, the day for hiking and relaxing. 

๏ The best sentence I’ve heard: No one is more human than others. 

๏ I feel the best being surrounded by nature, preferably in the mountains. 

๏ At collage I was determined never to get Facebook because I didn’t like to follow trends. Think I lasted a month or so… 

๏ Walking while listening to podcasts is my favourite hobby. 

๏ I eat tacos every week.

๏ I am not a religious or spiritual person, but I do believe in karma and to treat others the way you want to be treated. 

Grow With Me

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